The Enterprise gets held up by flypaper. Spock suggests that a human have his adrenaline removed. Clint Howard makes his first appearance on Star Trek at the age of 7. And Kirk invents corbomite. Join us as we discuss "The Corbomite Maneuver" and take on the First Federation and Balok!
Topics geeky, sci-fi, fantasy, Sta Trek
J. R. R. Tolkien, writer and
creator of The Lord of the Rings, seems to come to life in his authorized
biography. Find out why Doctor Who is one of the oldest and best loved shows on
American and British television. Learn how Miracleman changed the world. Nayr
and Kavura bring you the classics as you've never known them before!
Topics: geeky, sci-fi,
Tags: Miracleman, Lord of the
Rings, The Hobbit, Doctor Who, science fiction, fantasy, comics, British TV
In 2018 the whole world saw the Han Solo prequel movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story. Was it everything you hoped it would be? Were Chewie and Lando the best sidekicks ever? Listen to our discussion of this younger, more brash Han Solo before he met Luke and Leia!
Topics geeky, sci-fi, fantasy, Starlog
Nayr and Kavura travel to another dimension both of sound and of mind as they discuss Star Trek and Twilight Zone's numerous commonalities. Then they visit the mirror universe in IDW Comics' Star Trek Succession. Star Trek artist Kavita Maharaj talks about what makes her and Star Trek tick. That's the signpost up ahead. Your next stop, StarPodTrek! The Orville episodes: Sanctuary Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow The Road Not Taken Star Trek Discovery episodes: Such Sweet Sorrow parts 1 & 2
Topics geeky, sci-fi, fantasy, sci-fi conventions
Star Trek
Comic Books
The Orville
Twilight Zone