Sunday, January 31, 2021

StarPodTrek Episode 4

Nayr and Kavura discuss the Star Trek-related articles in the exciting classic Starlog magazine issues 7 and 8 from 1977. 

Nichelle Nichols Recruits for NASA:

Nichelle Nichols took on a new role of recruiting women and minorities to work for NASA.

Screenwriter Allan Scott Co-Writes Trek Movie Script:

Starlog interviews Allan Scott, who, along with Chris Bryant, is writing the new movie script. Surprisingly, neither of them were familiar with Star Trek or science fiction when they took the job.

Enterprise Model at Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum:

Nayr and Kavura discuss the original model of the USS Enterprise that is at the Air and Space Museum, along with other amazing historical models the museum houses.

“Ordinary” People in Space:

NASA starts its new “Payload Specialist” program which allows “ordinary people” to accompany astronauts on outer space missions. Well, as long as they meet the physical requirements, that is!

The Late Harlan Ellison:

Starlog’s printed interview with this angry writer is as entertaining as it is enlightening. Nayr and Kavura also discuss their own stories of Harlan Ellison.

Starlog Had So Much Trek Stuff:

Nayr and Kavura take you through these magazines looking for anything Trek or NASA-related. They find miscellaneous ads for Star Trek merchandise to be delightfully whimsical! Also, letters from Starlog readers, Star Trek conventions, and well-known Trek extraordinaires David Gerrold and Susan Sackett! 

Nichelle Nichols
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
National Air and Space Museum
Gene Roddenberry
David Gerrold
USS Enterprise

Nichelle Nichols
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
National Air and Space Museum
Gene Roddenberry
David Gerrold
USS Enterprise

Music used with permission by Five Year Mission.

Publication date-Stardate 2021.01.31
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Saturday, January 30, 2021

StarPodLog #4

Starlog issues 7 and 8 from 1977 kept us up to date on the world of science fiction. We discuss articles on Robby the Robot, Space: 1999, Man From Atlantis, Rocketship movie, Star Wars, Saturday morning TV, The Fly, James Bond, and so much more! What a great magazine for sci-fi fans!

Space: 1999
Robby the Robot
Man From Atlantis
Star Wars
Saturday morning TV
The Fly
James Bond

Space: 1999
Robby the Robot
Man From Atlantis
Star Wars
Saturday morning TV
The Fly
James Bond

Music used with permission by Checkpoint Charley.

Publication date-Stardate 2021.01.30
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StarPodTrek Episode 3

We had a great discussion about the Star Trek articles in Starlog issues 5 and 6, published back in 1977! It was the era when fans started arguing about "Trekkie" or "Trekker". The first Trek movie was highly anticipated. We also discuss the Trek animated series, David Gerrold, and Dorothy Fontana!

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Susan Sacket
Star Trek: The Animated Series
David Gerrold
D.C. Fontana

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Susan Sacket
Star Trek: The Animated Series
David Gerrold
D.C. Fontana

Publication date-Stardate 2021.01.30
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StarPodLog #3

The science fiction articles of Starlogs 5 & 6 covered some amazing stories. Published in 1977, there was a UFO TV series episode guide, Space: 1999 season 2 episode guide, Fantastic Journey interview, Robert Heinlein talked about Destination Moon, and, of course, the upcoming Star Wars movie!

Space: 1999
Fantastic Journey
3-D visual effects
Destination Moon
Robert Heinlein
Star Wars

Space: 1999
Fantastic Journey
3-D visual effects
Destination Moon
Robert Heinlein
Star Wars

Music used with permission by Checkpoint Charley.

Publication date-Stardate 2020.08.14
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